Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their own homeOften projects start in a very small way, such as reducing incidents of burglary revictimisation or the fear of crime. In Mansfield, just such an initiative was so successful the idea was recommended to the Neighbourhood Renewal Management Teams in the Division. This led to us supplying the 'Safe and Secure Homes' project, which is now the UK's largest crime reduction scheme of its type. Additionally, it supports the objective of the Local Authority Floor Target of 25% reduction in burglary in the area. Further information
For more information on our support programme for Crime Reduction initiatives, you can contact us on crimereduction@responseelectronics.com or call us on 0845 373 1353 |
Reducing Crime in the CommunityInstalling alarms and carrying out safety audits can significantly reduce domestic burglaries Existing Projects■ Bradford City Council Response Electronics Ltd. Roman House, Lysons Avenue, Ash Vale, Surrey GU12 5QF Telephone: (Local Rate) 0845 373 1353 E-mail: crimereduction@ResponseElectronics.com |
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