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How to Protect your home

How to Protect your home


The thought of having your home broken into can be a pretty scary thing - even if it's never happened to you - but with a little thought and application you can make your home safe and secure, day and night, and give yourself peace of mind whether you're at home or out.

Somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every 30 seconds, but, in fact, the statistics on house-breaking clearly show that criminals target those homes with the least protection. Ask any policeman, ask any criminal for that matter (and many respected surveys have) and you’ll find that the majority of house break-ins are not planned but driven by opportunity - an open window, an empty house - in short, a house that looks easy prey.

Government statistics, and burglars, agree that the No.1 deterrent is still an Intruder alarm. Of course, there is no substitute for good all round security, which is what Response Electronics strongly advocates. It is a fact that the vast majority of burglaries are by opportunists and when a burglar is checking out your property you must send a clear message to them that the owner is serious about security. So an external bell box is key and if it has a flashing comfort light operating 24 hours a days it is even better.

The statistics of crime can appear overwhelming so we've kept it simple. For example, independent research reveals that 60% of burglars target homes which appear empty and 70% of burglars said they felt that people do not make their homes secure enough. Moreover, 67% said they are put of by homes with an alarm and 37% said they target homes in darkness.

There are plenty of reputable surveys which corroborate the facts about break-ins, but the one thing which links all these statistics is that that the more measures you take to protect your home, the less attractive it will be to burglars. Refer to our webpage: 'Which Alarm Is Right For You' and find the right DIY home alarm for you.


You can refer to our webpage: 'Which Alarm Is Right For You' but first, why not take a look at some of the simple, cost-effective home security steps you should take in addition to fitting a home alarm system. 'Remember - a burglar will enter your home through a window or door.' It is that simple.

The first places to protect are side entrances, sheds and fences. All areas where the intruder is able to work away from the public gaze. Put padlocks on garage doors and outside sheds too. Don't forget, the tools you have in your shed, such as hammers, ladders and screwdrivers, can all be used to break into your home.


Every window on the ground floor, and those on elevations which are beside flat roofs are targets. The first rule is always keep these locked when you are going out. These windows can be fitted with key operated locks to prevent easy access. No intruder really wants to have to break glass. Key operated locks can be fitted to all types of window frame such as wood, metal, or plastic, but remember to keep the key in a safe place as you may need it yourself in the event of an emergency.


Any burglar will first try to gain access by the door, whether front, rear, side or patio, as this is easiest for him. So, in addition to their own locks and handles, exterior doors can be given added protection by a number of discreet but effective locking systems such as a 5 Lever Mortise Deadlock for the front door and a 5 Lever Mortise Sashlock for the back door. These can also be backed up by Security Mortise Rack Bolts or Pressbolts.

There are a wide variety of security locks certified to BS 3621 standards an that are designed to protect your home but also allow you ease and convenience of day to day use. A few simple questions to your supplier will tell you which is best for you - and where to fit them.


Rack bolts for French windows at the top and bottom of each door provide added protection against break in, but don’t forget that if you have Patio Doors, these also can be broken into (or simply lifted off their runners if the main lock is forced). Purpose designed Patio Doors locks are on the market which will prevent this.


As we have said, deterrence is the first role of home security and good lighting to the front, rear and sides of your house, especially if it is one with a side alley is a simple and highly effective security measure.

Some security lights are designed to stay on, literally, from dawn till dusk, whereas others are activated by sensors that detect movement or even body heat. With thoughtful placing, your home will be visible from any angle, and provide a very subtle first line of defence against break-ins.


The full range of SA1, SA2, SA3 and SA5 Wireless Alarms by Response Electronics can be found on 'Which Alarm Is Right For You' with full details and advice on the right one for you, your lifestyle and your home.

The installation of a visible burglar alarms system and CCTV has been shown in surveys to provide an immediate deterrent to 67% of burglars.

The majority of alarms purchased these days are 'Wire-Free' or 'Wireless' Alarm and works by having Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors placed discreetly around the interior of your home which will detect the movement of an intruder. Wire-Free Alarms can are also be activated by contacts which are placed at doors and windows.

These sensors and contacts are not linked by conventional wiring but transmit their information to the alarm control box by way a radio signal.

The 'Wired' Alarm system works in exactly the same way as a Wireless Alarm but instead of using radio waves, the sensors and contacts are connected to the main alarm control box by means of conventional wiring between each sensor and the control panel, as well as the external bell box.

It is simply a question of your own preference, but Wireless Alarms are simpler and easier to fit and require no wiring to be laid around your home. A real bonus with a wireless alarm is the remote control, which can also have an integral panic button. Wireless Alarms are also far easier to upgrade and add to compared to wired alarms. The Wireless system therefore is more flexible and neater - and easier to take with you if you move home.

Both systems once activated by an intruder use a siren to let you, your neighbours and the police know at once. The intruder will then leave the premises as quickly as possible - often empty handed.

Communicating Alarms

All the Response SA range of alarms can have the facility to communicate with you in the event of activation. Should the alarm go off, then the system will dial nominated number that you key in. For example, a neighbour, relative or even you mobile phone.


Closed Circuit Television may seem something right out of Hollywood, but it is simple, effective and easy to install and as well as being a security device it can also be used as an excellent way of simply vetting people who come to your door when you are in. CCTV systems are not as expensive as you may think, starting from as little as £60. Returning to our statistics, some 67% of intruders said CCTV is something which deters them from considering breaking and entering a home. CCTV Starter Systems can be found on: 'Turn your Standard TV into a Security Surveillance System'


According to burglars, the top 5 deterrents are:

• Burglar alarms
• Security Lighting
• Window Locks
• Dogs


1. Put up an outside bell box with 'Prowler Deterrent' flashing comfort lights. (Somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every 30 seconds - and the majority of these are by opportunist burglars.)

2. Install a dummy below box with flashing lights at the rear of you property. (Remember that the rear of your home is even more vulnerable than the front (over 60% of breaks in) as this is where intruders are more able to work 'out of sight'.)

3. Most break-ins do not occur at night, but in the day time, where movement and noise is less conspicuous

4. It sounds obvious, but a burglar doesn't care about making a mess. So if your front door or window looks weak and vulnerable - he won't mind using a little muscle to break it open.

5. Deterrence is an excellent form of security. Good door and window locks, exterior security lighting, a visible house alarm - all these things make your home hard-work for the burglar - a less attractive proposition.

6. Give the impression the home is not empty so leave a light or two on and draw your curtains. Little signs that your home is occupied will make a burglar think twice.

7. If you're going to be away for some time, use time-switches to activate your lighting at night and ask a neighbour to discreetly check your house over periodically. (Check out our dawn to dusk sensors at click)

8. Never open your door to an unexpected visitor, door chains, CCTV and spy-holes are simple measures you can take to vet your visitors before allowing access.

9. Don't advertise your absent while you are on holiday. Make sure you cancel the milk and get a friendly neighbour to push your post through you letter box. Or better still have them draw your curtains at night.

10. On hot summer evenings you’re more likely to leave doors and windows open and then forget to lock them. This makes it unbelievably easy for the opportunist thief.

........ and remember, a visible burglar alarm is the ultimate deterrent and don’t forget to fit a dummy alarm to the rear of your home to deter intruders who seek entry here.





Home Security


Have you got a question you'd like to ask about any aspect of security then contact our experts here on: info@ResponseElectronics.com


Response Electronics has an excellent relationship with the Police and our systems were the preferred choice by Mansfield Police Force in its drive to cut crime. Find out more about how Response Electronics helped reduce crime in Mansfield on: casestudies


'Which Alarm is right for you' choosing the right alarm

'Nottinghamshire Police - Safe & Secure Homes Project'

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I moved into a house that had a Response alarm already installed, when I called the helpdesk I was fully expecting to be told that I owuld have to buy a new alarm, however I was given instructions on how to get the existing alarm working again. I...

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Spoke to a very helpful tec who advised me on system requirements. Eventually ordered SL3A system plus extra PIR's and dummy siren. Order placed at 4pm on Tuesday 20th Dec - kit arrived before 1 pm on Wed 21st Dec. Very impressive given the...

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Have just installed, and are very happy with our alarm system, Thankyou. Special thanks to Mark on the help team, for your patience and care when our delivery people played up this end. You went to such ends to put this right....We would recommend...

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I went for a wired system this time. I already have a wireless system, but I have found it prone to interference recently. This wouldn't be a problem normally but the Interference is deliberate and becoming a pain. After the wireless system it...

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Having viewed other more expensive products I purchased alarms for my Spanish properties through Response and would recommend them as they are simple to set up and for the price they are a bargain buy. Well satisfied.


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